Let's go skiing!There is going to be a bilingual live broadcast at 10:00 a.m.at Yushe Ski Resort in Liupanshui,the first ski resort in Guizhou,by which we hope to bring you a unique skiing experiece in Southwest China,demonstrate the charm of Guizh...
joyfully, peacefully and confidently. Although I have no hopes of ever skiing that way, I do dream of living with abandon. I believe that men and women through the ages who...
中文配音是亮点 Steam喜加一恐怖游戏《Sogo Vego》 《Sogo Vego》是一款由IL YA打造的恐怖生存游戏,本作于去年9月份在Steam发售,价格是15元。不过如今《Sogo Vego》已经转变为免费游戏,...
ISPO北京新品直击:GregoryTarghee32滑雪包 2013ISPOBEIJING展会于2月27日-3月2日在北京国家会议中心1盛大召开,此次展会集结22个国家的567个户外、滑雪、极限运动和街头潮流品牌参展,展示面积超过40,000平米,占据国家会议中心两层展馆。 斩获ISPO MUNICH大奖滑雪产品背...
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